Every crystal is believed to have its own unique vibrational energy, so simply being around them offers positive effects.


Learning how to set intentions with your crystals can get even more out of them and open yourself up to the real magic that they have to offer. The best part is that doing so is easy, so even a beginner to the world of crystal healing can benefit!

Why Program Your Crystals Before Using Them?

"Programming a crystal with an intention gives your crystal its job," explains Heather Askinosie, the co-founder of Energy Muse to Bustle. "It allows your crystal to work for you in the way you want it to, so it's very important."

Giving your crystals a job helps you connect with your own wants and needs, and that is super important.


How to Cleanse Your Crystals?

Before attempting to program any crystal with your intentions, you will want to know to cleanse your crystals first. You want your stone to be pure, clear, and ready to receive your intention.

Running water

Water is said to neutralize any negative energy stored inside the stone and return it back to the earth. Although natural running water — like a stream — is best, you can also rinse your stone under a faucet.

Brown rice

This method can also be used to draw out negativity. To do this, fill a bowl with dry brown rice and bury your stone beneath the grains. Dispose of the rice immediately after the cleansing, as the rice is said to have absorbed the energy you’re trying to pass.

Natural light

Although common crystal cleansing often centers around certain points in the moon cycle, you can set your stone out at any time to cleanse and recharge.

If you’re able to, place your stone directly on the earth. This will allow for further cleansing.


This can be accomplished singing bowls, a tuning fork, or even a nice bell. It doesn’t matter what tone of the sound is, as the sound emitted is loud enough for the vibration to fully encompass the stone.


Breathwork can also be an effective cleansing method. To get started, hold the stone in your hand. Focus on your intention for a moment and deeply inhale through your nose. Bring the stone closer to your face and exhale forceful breaths through the nose onto the stone to bring it to its highest vibration.


Although this is considered the safest way to clear stones. Simply take a few minutes to ground and center your energy, then pick up your stone and visualize your hands filling with white, radiant light. Envision the negativity flushing out of the stone, allowing the stone to release and vibrate higher.


How to Program Crystals with Your Intentions?

Once your crystal is cleansed and ready, you should take a few moments to connect with your crystals prior to setting your intentions. Simply, feel and observe your crystals.


Now you are ready to program that crystal of yours!

Program an Intention into Your Crystal Using Meditation 

Taking a few minutes to sit with your crystal is a great way to get in touch with the energy of your stone and impart your personal intentions into it. Sit quietly, hold the stones, and consider your intent; select one word that captures what you’re looking to create. The next step is to create a simple statement that starts with: My intention is to create more______________. Repeat your intention statement and visualize your intention manifesting in your life.


Lastly, ask your crystal to share its energy with you. As mentioned, each crystal has a unique energy ready to help you create the life of your dreams.



